
We welcome contributions from the community! If you are interested in improving Friend, check out our current tasks (Some of the tasks have paid bounties)


You can get rewards by submitting approved PRs (significant contribution):

  • 1 PR - free DEV KIT device (necklace/glasses, depending on where you contribute)
  • 2 PRs - $100 of transcription credits to use the app
  • 5 PRs - $500 of transcription credits to use the app + giving special Contributor role in Discord
  • 10 PRs - we will fly you out to San Francisco to hangout with Based Hardware team

What is a significant contribution and what will be merged?

  • Something you spent 5h+ on. Can be multiple contributions with smaller time spent
  • Either a new feature or a major bug
  • Quality code with explanation

To receive the reward, please send an email to with a list of your contributions, address, email and phone number

Paid Bounties

Get paid to improve AI wearables!

Some of the tickets are paid bounties! You can check which ones, but filtering with the “Paid Bounty” label

Bounty Rules

  • code must be merged into master branch
  • bounty eligibility is solely at our discretion
  • you can “lock” the bounty task, but only after your first pull request is merged.
  • send an email to with a link to your bounty + paypal account to claim.

Join a community of builders

Based Hardware Discord Our official repository