Getting Started

Follow these steps to get started with your Friend.

Install the app

  1. Clone the repo git clone
  2. Install Flutter and CocoaPods
  3. Install your environment variables for apps/AppWithWearable:
    • You can copy .env.template file as .env and add your keys to it
    • Or you can set the api keys needed on the mobile App from the settings page itself (enable Developer mode)
  4. Build targets:
    • iOS: Download/install XCode then navigate to the iOS folder. You might need to launch Xcode to select a team and specify a bundle identifier.
    • Android: Download/install Android Studio then navigate to the Android folder.
  5. Run flutter clean then flutter pub get then pod install.
  6. When everything is installed, run flutter run , this should run your app on the selected device (iOS or Android).

Next Step: Buying Guide →